To add or edit this information, you will need to go to the "Property Settings".  This will determine what will appear on the Rental Agreement and notices. (*Note: Be sure you are going to "Property Settings" NOT the "Account Settings".There are two ways to do this, depending on what type of account you have, either a Single Property Account or a Multiproperty Account

1) Access the "Property Settings" using the appropriate method below.

        Single Property Accounts:

        A. Select “Property Settings” toward the top of the screen.



        Multi-Property Accounts: 

A. To get to Property Settings, go to the “Residents” section. You can either select the “Residents” toward the top of the page, then select the “Residents” option from the dropdown menu, OR you can Select the “Residents option toward the top of the page, then select the “Residents” option that will appear on the list of options on the left side of the page.



B. Select the property that you would like to update. The selected property will turn a darker blue, and you will be able to click on the “Property Settings” option found on the right.


 2. Select "Owners" from the list of options that now appears on the left side of the page. 

3. A new page will appear, allowing you to proivde the name and address information for the Owner or Agent. Once you have entered/updated the information, be sure to click the "Save" button located in the lower right corner. 

4. Please note: there are additional "Owner/Agent Form Settings" located below the area that allows you to enter the "Owner" information. These options allow you to click on a radio button to select how you would like the information to appear on certain forms and/or notices. Do you want to use the Property Information, the Owner Information, the Management Company Information, and so on? You may choose the option that you desire by clicking on the corresponding radio button, then selecting the option to "Save" the settings.