Collapsible Applicant Details Panel

For a more spacious view of all applicants and statuses, you can hide the Applicant details and action menu. 

Select a single applicant or applicant group. Then click "Details" for the Applicant Details to appear.

Click "Details" again to collapse. 

Status Types

        There are 3 types of applicant statuses: 

  • Lifecycle: where the applicant is in the process such as Still Applying, New, Screening, Complete
  • Screening: Approved, Denied, Conditional, etc...
  • Payment: Application Fee (Paid, Cancelled, etc...)

Status Changes

Applicant statuses can change:

  • Automatically by the system 
  • Through an integration (such as a screening company)
  • Manually, depending on user class permissions 

*Note: Results from screening companies should only update the screening status. Payment conditions only update payment status. Moving an applicant into a unit would change the lifecycle status but not any others, etc.

Change Statuses Manually

1) Select Change Status on the Applicant Details action menu

2) Use the dropdown menu in each status section to update the status and add notes

Customizing Status Columns 

At an individual user level, you can configure the order of the columns on the Applicants table.

1. Click on the settings icon. 

2. The Change Column Order will pop up for you to select, de-select, and rearrange the columns. 

For example, if your property does not charge application fees, you can hide that column altogether.


User Permissions

If you do not see some of the status change options, then this could be an indicator that your user class is restricted from changing statuses. You will need to reach out to your upper management for assistance. 

Upper management is encouraged to set up user-class permissions for each status type. For example, a manager may be able to update lifecycle status but not screening status. If a user doesn’t have permission to change a status type, you'll want to keep the Change Status settings the same but with the relevant menu disabled/read-only.

Company Admins can adjust user classes by going to Tools >> Users >> Edit User

Overall company user privilege settings can be viewed under Tools >>User Privileges